Blessings to All!
A little gift from Catholic Cutie to You!
This latest freebie from Cathlic Cutie, is a simple and Creative Craft that will allow families to enjoy the Coming of Christ Our King! As many of us honorably Celebrate Palm Sunday, commemorating the Lord's triumphal entry into the Holy City of Jerusalem. The faithful join in singing praises to Our King, and welcoming Him with the presence of Palm leaves. Due to the recent circumstances, some may not be able to obtain Palms and therefore may need a creative alternative!
This COLOR, CUT, and CREATE Activity may assist you in your Celebration of Palm Sunday!
There are several Creative Options, to use in this file... all to suit your needs!
This Palm Leaf Craft may require: Crayons, Scissors, tape, and some type of Handle ( possibly a small branch, popsicle stick, or safe unsharpened pencil)
I hope you enjoy this little craft and have a Blessed Palm Sunday!
Here are a few images of how we constructed our Palm Leaf!
Thank you and God Bless!
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